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蒙大拿小麥與大麥委員會 (Montana Wheat and Barley Committee)

The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MW & BC) is the producer-funded and directed checkoff organization for wheat and barley growers in the state.

The Montana State Legislature appropriates the funds budgeted by the MW & BC directors. The Committee, by mandate of state statute, is supported exclusively by a self-assessment which producers pay on the sale of their wheat and barley to fund foreign and domestic marketing development and research programs.

Wheat and barley are the principal grain crops produced in Montana and are agricultural resources of the first magnitude in the economy of the state. These commodities enter a domestic and world market that is highly competitive. Therefore, it is the mission of the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee to protect and foster the health, prosperity, and general welfare of this industry by encouraging and promoting intensive, scientific, and practical research into all phases of the wheat and barley culture and production, marketing, and end-use and, further, to aid in the development of markets for wheat and barley grown in Montana.

蒙大拿小麥與大麥委員會 (MW & BC) 是由生產者集資與主導的,是州內小麥與大麥種植者的檢驗組織。

MW & BC之預算由其董事提出,而由蒙大拿州之立法機構核撥。此委員會由州法管制,採取完全自我維持之方式,當生產者在售出他們的小麥與大麥時,便付出一筆錢來資助國外與本地的行銷開發與研究計劃。
